Our projects

Real-world examples

All the projects we undertake – large and small – have one thing in common: they contribute to a more sustainable future. We customize each project to fit the assignment’s and client’s specific needs and goals. Due to confidentiality, we cannot present all our development and innovation projects. However, our collaborative projects are public to spread knowledge.

Circular Economy
Innovation Management
Applied AI

Trace4Value + SwePass

SwePass is a Swedish platform initiative developed to address traceability and digital product passports (DPPs) for sustainable value chains. Building on the success of the Trace4V…



Digital product passports enabling at-scale and real-life circular economy use cases in electronics, textiles, tires and constructions. The CIRPASS-2 project aims to revolutionize…


Circularity in Li-ion Production and Recyling processes through Microparticle Control and Resource Efficiency (CircLion)

Production of Li-ion batteries requires maintaining contamination-free environments in dry and clean room conditions.


Digital integration of multi-energy flexibility assets in Regional Energy Systems (DigiRES)

Our new CETP project DigiRES is aiming for demonstrations of semi/self-learning AI models for prediction and optimization of multi-energy systems in a living lab, residential house…


CIRCUBLADE – circular approach to resource usage based on end-of-life wind turbine blades

CIRCUBLADE project investigated the potential to develop a circular solution for reusing large quantities of end-of-life (EoL) wind turbine blades (WTBs). The research covered effi…


Cirkulär Live

The events and live entertainment industry needs to transform to become more sustainable. Through the project Cirkulär Live, Chalmers Industriteknik, All Things Live, and Rejlers a…


2DSPIN-TECH – A game changer for computer memory

As the use of information technology increases rapidly, it is necessary to develop new non-volatile, faster, and energyefficient electronics. Spintronic technologies open routes to…


TRACELAND – Innovative traceability project in fisheries

New landing rules in fisheries and the European Digital Product Passport (DPP) are creating new requirements for more accurate data…


Digiclean – Automated monotoring of industrial cleaning processes

I det Vinnovafinansierade projektet samarbetar Digiclean och IKPAB tillsammans med RISE, Chalmers Industriteknik, Gnosjö Automatsvarvning AB, Parker Borås, Volvo, SKF…



The objective of this EU-funded project is to build a research centre for Big Data and AI in Sofia (Bulgaria)



FibRe is a Vinnova-funded competence centre with two academic partners (KTH and Chalmers) and some 20 companies and public organisations.


Quantum Sweden Innovation Platform – QSIP

QSIP is an innovation platform to stimulate, form and promote quantum technology innovation and create conditions for ideas, technology and…


Digital Twin for Positive Energy Districts – DT4PED

The aim of the DigitalTwins4PEDs project is to develop a quality assurance process using a Digital Twin energy model in…


PLA bio-based plastics from secondary raw materials

The purpose of this project is to develop a techno-economically viable production route for PLA, Polylactic acid, from second generation…



In this project we place the users of the product pass and their needs in the centre. The aim is to increase the insight regarding what product information that is relevant, for th…


AutoWEEEdakt II – Automatic AI based WEEE recognition system

In 2020, the EU recycled 4.7 million tons of electronic waste with a low collection rate. In the AutoWEEEdakt II…


Safe and optimal management to create circular flows of batteries from crashed cars (CIRC-BAT)

With a growing number of electric vehicle batteries being produced and placed on the market, there is an increasing need…


SmartPass: Digitalisation of three different value chains

Create product passport prototypes for advanced digitalisation for three different product categories: Li-ion batteries, reusable LED lights and circular coated…


Over & Oat – turning oat drink residues into new food and materials

Over & Oat is focused on investigating how residues from oat drink production (okara) can be transformed into valuable new…


Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2)

Chalmers Industriteknik leads the task on “Land-sea interactions in the offshore blue economy”, where we will investigate and map relevant value chains, linkages, inter…



The project “BIOFACE: Bio-based façade materials in a circular economy” aims to develop new, sustainable material solutions for façade elements…


Potential value chains for bio-based plastics

The goal in the EU is that 20% of plastics should be bio-based by 2030, a goal that seems distant…


AGAIN – Increased recycling in retail

In the research project AGAIN, Chalmers Industriteknik together with the Centre for Service Research (CTF) at Karlstad University will create increased knowledge about how sales of…


LoopSpeaker – Reusing car speakers inside and outside the car

The LoopSpeaker project aims to map the conditions for, and propose, how speakers from “scrap cars” (cars that for various…


IETS-Task XXI: Decarbonisation of industrial systems within the framework of a circular economy

Task XXI explores the topic of circular carbon from an industrial perspective to describe industrial energy systems within a sustainable,…


RETAKE – Pilot project for the development and testing of reusable packaging

Around 2 billion single-use items are used in Sweden every year, and soon we will find more plastic than fish…


Trace 4 Value – KEEP (Step 3)

The Trace 4 Value project brings together five sub-projects on traceability. The five projects study solutions to company- and industry-specific…


Resource-efficient and inclusive municipalities through industrial symbiosis

The project “Resource-efficient and inclusive municipalities through industrial symbiosis” aims to create a sustainable and climate-neutral society through collaboration and…


Expert support for Swedish SMEs for Horizon Europa, Eurostars and the Innovation Fund

European cooperation in research and innovation is of great importance to Sweden’s business life, increasing the possibility of solving common societal challenges with the he…

Bild från västkusten, sjöbodar

Design for Circular Fishing Gear  

Design for circular fishing gear is one of several sub-projects within the Swedish Maritime and Water Authority’s (HaV) government mandate…


Development of good, nutritious, sustainable and local menus for young people, with young people

In a Forma’s call “Taste and sensory – from farm to table”, ten projects were granted funds, of which the project “Development of good, nutritious, su…


Establishment of a new fuel cell laboratory

With the support of the EU’s restart and reform project REACT-EU, VGR, Chalmers has been given the opportunity to establish a new laboratory for research and testing of futur…


Report about Future development in battery technology / electrification for Defense applications

The purpose of the report is to give an overview of the battery and fuel cell research area and what kind of expertise exists at the different Universities in Sweden. With specific…


Digital Twins Cities Centre

The Digital Twin Cities Centre (DTCC) is a Vinnova competence centre hosted by Chalmers University. The centre’s vision is to…



The building sector has a huge potential to save greenhouse gas emissions. Large scale renovations are urgently needed to meet…


AIHURO: Intelligent human-robot collaboration

The overall goal of this project is to create a sustainable workplace where autonomous mobile collaborative robots and humans work…


AlgAIe – Optimization of algae cultivation using AI to significantly reduce methane emission from cattle

Recent studies have shown that adding macroalgae Asparagopsis as a supplement to cattle feed can lead to a reduction by…



Södra is Sweden’s largest forest owners’ association. Their sustainability goal is to increase growth on members’ properties by 20% from…


Increased recycling in Second Hand through sorting with the help of AI

The vision for this project is simple. At the gift sorting department of the Red Cross in Örebro, items are automatically sorted on a conveyor belt according to product category an…



In recycling of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) manual labour is extensively used in the pre-sorting and categorization of the WEEE. This is mainly because recycle…


Develop and validate AI in existing patient processes for skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in Sweden. Nearly 4,500 cases of aggressive skin melanoma are detected…


Barmark III – Demonstration of automated tractor for municipal road operation

While transport by foot or by bike is set to increase, there are high goals for reducing the number of…


ProSAFe – Personal Protection Against Fall Injuries to enhance quality of life for elderly

In the spirit of Vision Zero, ProSAFe will design, produce, test and evaluate aesthetically pleasing fall injury preventive clothing with…


Seatbelt usage during pregnancy

The seatbelt is the single most important vehicle safety system, and halves the fatality risk in a passenger car collision.



In the GREENART project, the focus is on new solutions, based on green and sustainable materials and methods, and on…



How can we phase out PFAS substances from our everyday lives and at the same time develop circular products?



How can we protect wood against attack by mould, fungus and insects in a sustainable way?


Reusable boxes

Could expensive reusable boxes be a better option than single-use packaging?


Poly Lactic Acid

Increased volumes of PLA, Poly Lactic Acid, a biobased polymer with competitive properties in comparison to fossil-based polymers, is requested…



BioLyftet is a corporate training initiative and a project within the strategic innovation program BioInnovation with the focus of increasing…


Millimeter wave based graphene enabling wireless communication

Can graphene compete with commonly used electrically conductive materials such as copper, gold, aluminum and silver on substrates such as…


Graphene enhanced conductive cementitious coating

Steel reinforced concrete is an important construction material often exposed in harsh environments, which leads to corrosion damage. Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) i…


Worn out EV batteries as alternative carbon source

Graphite is the main precursor for making graphene. While graphite deposits are not scarce, the supply of high-quality graphite is much tighter and the demand is expected to signif…



Covid-19 has affected the whole of society and presented challenges that require new solutions. The project “Innovative logistics solution for restaurants to reach people in…


The optimal lifespan of passenger cars based on the perspectives of resource use, emissions and traffic safety (BILLIV)

In order to reach Sweden’s set environmental goals, older passenger cars need to be replaced. But what exactly is a car’s optimal lifespan? The project “Optimum l…


RESVINN (Re-waste) – “Less waste. More food.”

In the project Resvinn, we want to create effective redistribution systems for food waste in Sweden by developing solutions for logistics, business models, IT systems, communicatio…


PROACTIVE: Towards a process of efficient and safe electric vehicle battery handling in the island Nordic countries

The number of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) sold in the Nordic countries is quickly increasing, therefore…


The project Manuela develops a pilot line for additive manufacturing

The EU project MANUELA is targeting to develop and deploy a world-class production pilot line for Additive Manufacturing with metals.…


LinCS – Linking circularity metrics at product and society level

Circular economy is receiving increasing attention throughout the world. The European Commission says that it has no choice but to…


Recovery of drawers from refrigerated furniture

Refrigerators and freezers (refrigerators) usually contain a larger amount of plastic. A significant proportion of the plastic content consists of…


Collection system for electric car batteries

Sales of electric and charging hybrid cars have increased  extensive recent years, both globally and in Sweden. Common to these…


Bulletproof shields

Chalmers Industriteknik carries out a project together with Saintpro and 2D fab, where the aim is to develop a bulletproof shield…


Repipe – Innovative recycling of pipes and profiles

In Sweden, large numbers of pipes are being installed every year in new buildings and during maintenance of both buildings and infrastructure. The pipes are manufactured largely wi…


Graphene in floorball blades

In the project Graphene in Floorball blades, the blades will be reinforced by adding polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). The…


Business Developer Electronics

The Graphene Flagship* has eight Business Developers covering different technology areas. Sophie Charpentier at Chalmers Industriteknik is responsible for the Electronics Area. Thi…


Graphene Flagship – Innovation

The Graphene Flagship* is a Future and Emerging Technology Flagship, launched by the European Commission, with 145 consortia partners from 21 European countries. The Graphene Flags…


CirKumat – return system for 3D filaments

Interest in 3D-printing is growing among both companies and private individuals in Sweden. The most common material is different types of plastic, and when prints are made, however…


KEEP – Step 2

In order to achieve a more resource-efficient use of electrical and electronic (EE) products, the lifespan and the usage phase of such products often need to be extended. To enable…


Sustainable recycling of lighting products

Relight – Sustainable recycling of lighting products The aim of the project is to test and develop new techniques for a sustainable recycling of compact fluorescent lamps con…