Shaping the future since 1984
Chalmers Industriteknik was established in 1984 by Chalmers University of Technology to facilitate collaboration between researchers and the business community and to promote innovation.

Chalmers Industriteknik in figures
Number of employees
Women and men as a percentage
Meet our Board
Chalmers Industriteknik’s board of directors is appointed by Chalmers University of Technology. To reflect the business and mission, there are representatives from both industry and academia.
Anette Larsson
Professor, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
Anna Lindholm
University Director, Chalmers Business Support, Chalmers University of Technology
Emma Wikström
Business Area Manager, Development Center West, Combitech Sverige
Gunnar Fernström
Chairman, Investment Director, InnovationsKapital. (President)
Mats Lundqvist
Vice President, Innovation and Lifelong Learning, Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Technology Management and Organisation, Chalmers University of Technology
Orvar Hurtig
CEO, Consat Engineering
Rikard Söderberg
Head of Department, Industrial and Materials Science, Chalmers University of Technology

Our subsidiary company
CIT Renergy AB
New technologies, processes, energy types and heating methods are developed. But how do you know which investment will be the most profitable and bring the most benefits?
Our subsidiary CIT Renergy AB wholly owned by Chalmers Industriteknik, has many years of practical experience and broad expertise in energy efficiency in both buildings and industry. We combine detailed technical knowledge with an overall energy system perspective.
Together with our customers, we create energy, environmental and cost-effective solutions. Always with a focus on sustainability and striving for climate neutral solutions!

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