Chalmers Industriteknik
Whistleblowing channel
At Chalmers Industriteknik, our goal is to create a workplace characterised by openness and transparency, where irregularities are not tolerated. By giving you the opportunity to whistleblow, we maintain this together.
Why whistleblowing?
The purpose of the Whistleblowing Act is to promote greater detection of misconduct and irregularities within an organisation.
To enable you to safely report, we use Visslan’s external whistleblowing channel which ensures your anonymity and guarantees high security. You can easily access this channel by clicking on the following link:
What can be reported?
We encourage you to whistleblow if you suspect misconduct at Chalmers Industriteknik and it is in the public interest that it comes to light. If you are unsure, we encourage you to read more in our whistleblower policy further down the page. You do not need proof of your suspicion, but all reports must be made in good faith.
Who can report?
Simply put, you can report misconduct if you are or have been active within Chalmers Industriteknik. If you are unsure, we encourage you to read more in our whistleblowing policy further down the page.
Do you have more questions?
If you want to know more about how Chalmers Industriteknik handles whistleblowing cases, please read our complete policy “Visselblåsarpolicy Chalmers Industriteknik_2023“. (In swedish)
If you have any questions, please contact Sara Wagiström, Human Resources Manager