Chalmers Industriteknik


Read more about how we work with environment, quality, and equality.

Environment and quality

We are preparing tomorrow for the future, which among other things, means that we constantly strive for sustainable development. High quality in all of our deliveries is also a guiding principle, and we help our clients to achieve their environmental and quality goals.

We work in a structured manner and with continuous improvements. The entire group is certified for environmental (ISO 14001) and quality (ISO 9001).

Our quality policy

In our assignments, we strive to develop a good plan for all projects in collaboration with the client.

  • We follow up on our projects and refine our work methods to better meet the demands and desires of our clients.
  • We ensure that we always have the competence that our clients demand through education, experience exchange within the organization, and access to internal and external networks.
  • By focusing on applying results from research, we contribute to creating value for both clients and society.
  • In all our assignments, we focus on fulfilling the client’s requirements, and the minimum level is to comply with laws and other applicable requirements.
  • Through our quality work, we continuously develop our working methods and set improvement goals to increase the value we deliver to our clients.

Our environmental policy

Chalmers Industriteknik offers academic excellence in the areas of energy, materials, applied AI, design, and circular economy.

  • We contribute to the development of a sustainable society through the projects we participate in.
  • We have high competence in our areas of expertise, and we also have broad knowledge of environmental and sustainability issues. In all applications, investigations, and projects we participate in, we consider the consequences of our proposals for sustainability.
  • We strive for solutions that reduce environmental impact compared to current solutions. Of course, this also applies to our own business’s impact on the environment.
  • We meet the requirements set in laws and other binding regulations but aim to exceed these in the solutions and proposals presented in the projects.
  • We set environmental goals for our work processes and follow up on the outcome of our projects, where possible, to learn and continuously improve the projects we carry out.

Plan for gender equality and non-discrimi­nation

This is a formally decided plan and policy for Chalmers Industriteknik, including its subsidiary companies, for systematic and preventive work to promote equal rights and opportunities and to counteract discrimination and harassment in the workplace. The plan contains both general information about the framework, responsibility, and budget that exist within the gender equality and non-discrimination work, as well as the priority areas that the business actively works on.

You can read the full document “Plan för lika rättigheter och möjligheter” (Text in Swedish).

If you have any questions, please contact Golaleh Ebrahimour, CEO of Chalmers Industriteknik.

Code of conduct

We have a Code of Conduct that applies to the entire Chalmers Industriteknik Group. The Code of Conduct aims to give us guidance on how to conduct our business in a responsible and ethical manner and in accordance with laws and regulations. The content collects the norms and expectations we have within the organisation.

You can read the document here.

How we handle personal data