KEEP – Step 2

Circular Economy
In order to achieve a more resource-efficient use of electrical and electronic (EE) products, the lifespan and the usage phase of such products often need to be extended. To enable this, there is a need for all actors in the value chain to be able to access more information about the products.

The project’s vision is therefore to develop and implement a traceability system for EE products where relevant actors can easily access information such as repair instructions, opportunities for reuse and material content. Expected effects are, among other things, that (1) increased information for buyers about sustainability aspects in new production, which leads to more people choosing products that are manufactured with low environmental impact and good working conditions, (2) more products are collected and reused; (3) higher material recovery rates are achieved for collected products.

In 2018, a preliminary study was carried out that identified impact targets, which parts of the product’s life cycle should be included in a system, as well as an initial compilation of the information needs of various companies and organizations. The project is now in stage 2 and the goal is to produce digital prototypes that show how the solution can be used by different companies and organizations. The prototypes will be tested and evaluated by all the project’s partners.

Recording of the webinar (in swedish)
Recording of the webinar can be found here (YouTube).

Final reportt
Download the final report: KEEP report

Project partners

The project group consists of Chalmers Industriteknik (project manager), Clas Ohlsson, Dustin, El-Kretsen, Godsinlösen, GS1, Lenovo, Naturskyddsföreningen, Scandigruppen, Sims Recycling Solutions, Stena, TCO Development, Recipo and Techbuddy.


The project is financed by Vinnova within the Challenge Driven Innovation (UDI) programme.

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