Graphene Flagship – Innovation
The Graphene Flagship* is a Future and Emerging Technology Flagship, launched by the European Commission, with 145 consortia partners from 21 European countries.
The Graphene Flagship’s principal mission is to take technologies based on graphene and related materials from the laboratory to commercial applications. With this quest innovation has become a key focus of the Flagship.
The innovation support is managed by Chalmers Industriteknik, including work in
- Innovation support coordination
- Innovation objectives and strategy
- Intellectual Asset and Intellectual Property portfolio development
- Industry outreach
- Training and education
- Head of Innovation
“In the next phase we continue to move from materials research towards component development and system-level integration. Our focus is in combining technology push and market pull by working with industry stakeholders to increase technology readiness levels.”
Kari Hjelt
Graphene Flagship Head of Innovation
Chalmers Industriteknik