
Circular Economy
Circular & sustainable food chains
Circular design
In this project we place the users of the product pass and their needs in the centre. The aim is to increase the insight regarding what product information that is relevant, for the trade and for the consumer, in order to make more sustainable and circular choices.

An important part of the industry’s transition to become more sustainable consists of traceability, making information available and digital product passports. Both internationally and nationally, intensive efforts are being made to develop various instruments such as regulations, policies and standards for what information should accompany a product. It is currently unclear whether the information is relevant to the activities at the end of the value chain, i.e. trade and consumers.

In the project, we want to increase the understanding of the consumer’s decision-making process and explore the factors that influence their choices. We hope the results will provide input to the design of future policy instruments and contribute to a more sustainable and circular industry that better meets the needs and expectations of end users. With a user-focused policy design, we see that a fair, inclusive and socially sustainable transition can be promoted regionally, nationally and globally at the consumer level.

The project is financed by Vinnova and is a collaboration between Foundation Chalmers Industriteknik, Quceem, Smithereens, GS1 Sweden, Svensk Handel and Elektronikbranschen.

Do you want to know more?

Sophie Charpentier

Project Manager, PhD

Marie-Louise Lagerstedt Eidrup

Project Manager, Techn Lic

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