Trace 4 Value – KEEP (Step 3)

Circular Economy
Circular design
The Trace 4 Value project brings together five sub-projects on traceability. The five projects study solutions to company- and industry-specific needs and by being part of Trace 4 Value, the general challenge can be picked up and applied more generally both in your own industry and in others.

The subproject KEEP – Traceability system for electrical and electronic products in a circular system, aims to develop a traceability system for electrical and electronic products (EE) to promote and streamline sustainable new production, reuse and recycling.

Today, information on the origin, composition and instructions for repair, disassembly and end-of-life management of EE products is often inaccessible to many actors in a product’s life cycle. A traceability system can enable the sharing of this type of data and help all actors involved in product life cycles to extend the life of products, maintain their value and in turn reduce waste.

The importance of working with traceability also comes from a political level in the form that the introduction of a product passport has been discussed both at national level and in the EU. A product passport is described as a system for providing information about EE products, including their origin, their composition and their capacity to be dismantled and managed at the end of their life cycles. Based on what is described, we interpret it to mean that the traceability system that we want to develop in KEEP is completely in line with the EU’s vision of product passports.

The focus of the project is on the execution of tests: matching producers and retailers as well as reusers and recyclers with suitable test environments based on what the conditions are and what they want to test, design and execution of tests.

The future is traceable – training series from Trust4Value
Trust4Value’s training series will give you a better understanding of what traceability means, learn about digital product passports and get tips on how your organisation can prepare for upcoming legal requirements and expectations. Experts from the Trust4Value project will guide you in this four-part training series. You can find the training series here.

Project partners and financiers
The project is financed by Vinnova. Project manager for Trace 4 Value: RISE Project manager for KEEP: Chalmers Industriteknik. In Trace 4 Value there are more than 60 parties. In KEEP, we are 24 parties.

Here you can watch the recording of the final meeting of the project.
Here you can find the pdf of the final report of KEEP – Step 3

Do you want to know more?

Sophie Charpentier

Project Manager, PhD

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