Graphene in floorball blades
The strength of graphene will improve floorball blades
Graphene has been shown to be able to reinforce polymers and make them significantly stiffer, or alternatively reduce weight while retaining the mechanical properties.
Chalmers Industriteknik participates in a project together with Renew Group, Polykemi and Götene Plast, which aims to strengthen floorball blades using graphene. The project will develop floorball blades that are stiffer than the current blades, while the weight is unchanged, by adding graphene to polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP).
With the support of Chalmers Industriteknik, Polykemi will develop a mixture of graphene in PE and PP and evaluate the rigidity of test structures. Götene Plast will then use injection moulding to obtain blades that will be tested by Renew Group. Both Götene Plast and Polykemi also see the opportunity to apply their improved knowledge – on how to use the graphene in polymeric materials – even in other areas.