IETS-Task XXI: Decarbonisation of industrial systems within the framework of a circular economy

Task XXI explores the topic of circular carbon from an industrial perspective to describe industrial energy systems within a sustainable, fossil-free economy. The goal is to achieve both resource efficiency and circular economy, as well as a sustainable energy system.
Within the framework of IETS Task XXI, Chalmers Industriteknik and RISE have been commissioned to create a Swedish consortium and a collaborative platform for knowledge exchange. The consortium consists of representatives from academia, research institutes and industry, and is linked to an international network within the International Energy Agency (IEA) with participants from Europe and North America.
The work with Task XXI in Sweden has begun and the latest advances in circular carbon flows and industrial symbiosis will be discussed in various workshops and seminars during 2023 and 2024. Special focus will be on handling circular carbon flows in LCA and energy system modelling, integration of carbon capture in industry, business models and good examples of industrial symbiosis.
The project runs between 2023 and 2024 and is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency.