Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2)

Chalmers Industriteknik leads the task on “Land-sea interactions in the offshore blue economy”, where we will investigate and map relevant value chains, linkages, interactions and balances between the land and offshore blue economy.
We will also examine how potential new governance approaches would affect the value generated, employment opportunities and the environment. In this way, we will create an understanding of how existing value chains in traditionally land-based sectors in Sweden can become part of new, sustainable blue value chains. We at Chalmers Industrial Technology will also contribute to quantifying the impact of offshore facilities on biodiversity and to developing open data platforms and tools for data collection and exploration.
– C2B2 brings together 12 partners from academia and research organisations, 25 co-funding associated partners from industry and the public sector, and stakeholders from civil society. It demonstrates the need for sustainable use of the oceans and the importance of participatory ocean governance. We look forward to working with the various stakeholders in this complex but very exciting project.
– Nikolaos Xafenias, Project Manager at Chalmers Industriteknik.
The purpose and goal of the Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) project is a more sustainable, open, democratic, multi-sectoral and multi-actor blue economy and society. C2B2 wants to create a transformative change through participatory approaches.
The project is coordinated by Göteborgs univerisitet and Mistra, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research is the financier.