QSIP – Newsletter no 1. 2023

Dear quantum innovation friends,

This is the first newsletter of QSIP (Quantum Sweden Innovation Platform) which was launched in November 2023. Our website (www.qsip.se) will open soon, but until then we will use LinkedIn for this first newsletter.

We have ambitious plans for 2024, to establish QSIP as a Swedish hub for quantum innovation. Our aim is to build a national community and to run activities that stimulate and support innovation in the field. We are now planning for several activities in 2024, such as sector-specific workshops, digital lunch seminars and an annual meeting the last week of August. Looking further ahead, we will arrange the conference: Inside Quantum Technology Nordics 2025 in Gothenburg in May 2025. As you can see there is a lot to look forward to in the new year!

Hope you may find some news of interest to you. The intention is to send out QSIP newsletters monthly. You will be able to subscribe via our website which will be up and running soon.

We wish you pleasant holidays and look forward to developing the quantum innovation community with you.

/Camilla Johansson & Johan Felix, QSIP

Vill du veta mer?

Camilla Johansson

Gruppchef Innovationsledning

Johan Felix

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Var bland de första att få reda på ny forskning inom områdena Cirkulär ekonomi, Tillämpad AI, Innovationsledning, Energi och Material. I vårt nyhetsbrev delar vi med oss av innovativa tekniker och projekt som gör märkbar skillnad för samhället. Du får också tips och inbjudningar till intressanta seminarier och event inom vårt område.