Webinar: Electrification in Industry


Start: 2020-12-08 14:00

End: 2020-12-08 17:00

Location: Online

Target group: Representatives from industry, universities, institutes and regional and governmental authorities
Language: English
Registration: 2 December by email to thore.berntsson@chalmersindustriteknik.se or thore.berntsson@chalmers.se
There is no fee for the webinar.

The webinar is organized by the Swedish Energy Agency as a part of the Swedish involvement in one of the technology collaboration programmes (TCP) affiliated to the International Energy Agency, i.e., Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems (IETS TCP).  A new international collaboration in electrification is now starting within the IETS TCP.

The aims of the seminar are to increase the knowledge in Sweden in this area, to create a network in Sweden and discuss the Swedish contribution in the international collaboration as well as to discuss need for further work.


Short presentation of the IETS TCP and communication/dissemination activities
Heléne Johansson, IETS Secretariat and CIT Industriell Energi

Presentation of the International networking project and discussion
Dutch Annex Manager

Transforming the electricity system-new power and (industrial) loads 
Mikael Odenberger, Docent/Associate professor, Energy Technology Division, Chalmers University of Technology

Coordination in the Swedish consortium for the international collaboration
Malin Jacobsson, Project Manager, CIT Industriell Energi

Ongoing main activities in the consortium member groups and their partners-overview and examples of findings

Lund University:
Frank Lipnizki, Professor, Chemical Engineering
Ola Wallberg, Professor, Chemical Engineering

15.20 Break

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden:
Anna-Karin Jannasch, Focus Area Manager, Industrial Transformation and Senior Project Manager, Biorefinery and Energy Division

Chalmers University of Technology:
Simon Harvey, Professor, Energy Technology Division

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH):
Ann Cornell, Professor, Applied Electrochemistry Division
Stefan Grönkvist, University Lecturer, Energy Processes Division

16.40 Discussion

17.00 End of webinar

Släck kunskapstörsten med spännande läsning

Var bland de första att få reda på ny forskning inom områdena Cirkulär ekonomi, Tillämpad AI, Innovationsledning, Energi och Material. I vårt nyhetsbrev delar vi med oss av innovativa tekniker och projekt som gör märkbar skillnad för samhället. Du får också tips och inbjudningar till intressanta seminarier och event inom vårt område.