New report: Optimization of algae cultivation using AI to significantly reduce methane emission from cattle

Circular & sustainable food chains
Applied Mathematics & Optimization

This report shares an overview of a Vinnova funded project that brought together partners Volta Greentech, Chalmers Industriteknik, IVL, SLU and Tre Bönder to develop AI-based methods to optimize the growth of algae in an effort to reduce methane emissions from the agricultural sector, cows specifically.

Volta Greentech is a Swedish company that cultivates algae and produces a feed additive that can reduce methane emission from cows by as much at about 80%. This project brought forward promising findings related to tank construction, biomass senso, and AI machine learning models that help predict optimal parameters for algal growth. Read the full public report to learn more about this exciting technology and its development.

Do you want to know more?

Linnea Lindkvist

Project Manager, MSc

Berenice Gudino

Portfolio Manager/Data Scientist, PhD

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