Question of the week with Golaleh. How confident are we at nano?

Sometimes you have to stop and think things through. Like how tiny features do we talk about when we work with nanomaterials. Take a layer of the nanomaterial graphene, it takes over 100,000 layers to reach the thickness of a hair. It’s almost unimaginable small and nothing short of amazing.

The development and use of nanomaterials is expected to continue at a rapid pace, while knowledge of how humans and the environment can be affected by the materials is scarce. What does the research say? Laws and regulations? What applies to manufacture, use and recycling?

Do you want to know more about the health aspects of using and working with nanomaterials? At Chalmers Industriteknik, several experts work with the subject. Feel free to contact Sofia or Erik and they will explain more.

And as always: If your company face challenges to increase your innovation and competitiveness level, we are here to help you get tomorrow ready for the future.

Golaleh, CEO, Chalmers Industriteknik

Do you want to know more?

Golaleh Ebrahimpur

CEO Chalmers Industriteknik

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