We are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
The Chalmers Industriteknik Group, including the three subsidiary companies, has been reviewed and certified in accordance with ISO 14001 (Environment) and ISO 9001 (Quality).
– The certificates prove that we work in the right direction regarding environment and quality aspects in all our operations, says CEO Golaleh Ebrahimpur.
Working according to an ISO 9001 quality management system ensures efficiency and structure as well as continuous improvement of routines and processes. The ISO 14001 helps the organisation to regularly assess its environmental impact internally as well as in customer projects. In many cases, for the supplier to be certified is a customer requirement.
– The employees are really committed to this work, says Golaleh Ebrahimpur. We focus on sustainability and environmental impact in all our projects and now we’ve scrutinized and improved, e.g., our own routines for purchasing and waste handling.
ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 are international standards for certification of environment and quality management systems used in companies and other organisations. The certificates are issued by an external certification body – in our case A3CERT – regularly assessing the operations according to the requirements included in the standard.

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