Henrik Mindedal

Senior Project Leader, MSc

Expertise in

Innovation Management, Forming networks and relations, negociating contracts and coordinating applications for funding

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations!

Henrik is an experienced leader of operations and projects where multidisciplinary R&D collaboration is essential and the goals are new ground-breaking solutions that generate clear customer benefit, business growth and prosperity but above all make a difference in people’s lives. Current assignments include leadership support in three Chalmers centers; Center for Bionics & Pain Research, IRC FoRmulaEx and SAFER.

With a long career in leading positions in the medical technology industry, Henrik contributes with both broad and deep knowledge in biomedical engineering and an extensive network with clinicians, companies, academic researchers, financiers, actors in the innovation system and public authorities. He has a Degree of Master of Science in Industrial Engineering & Management from LiTH.