Seminar on Strategic Evaluation of Industrial Biorefineries (Stockholm)


Start: 2019-03-07 10:00

End: 2019-03-07 16:00

Location: Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre & Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, Nils Ericsons Plan 4, Stockholm

This seminar will be held in English

Industrial biorefineries is one important measure for the necessary radical greenhouse gas emission mitigation. Due to uncertainties and risks with this type of capital intensive investment, methods and tools for minimising risks and improving the base for strategic decision-making in industry have been developed. In the seminar, Swedish methods and tools as well as some major international ones will be presented and discussed.

The uncertainties and risks inluence both the economy and e. g. the climate consequences of different biorefinery concepts. Future conditions for e. g. value chains, integration, policy instruments and energy prices as well as regional availability of biomass types, process industries, green power, etc, will have a considerable influence on choice of feedstocks, processes and products. Available decision support systems and ex-ante methods/tools deal with aspects of importance for decision-making for such concepts. This will be presented and discussed at the seminar.

Target groups for the seminar are representatives from industry, universities, institutes and regional and governmental authorities.
The aims of the seminar are to increase the knowledge in Sweden in this area, to create a network in Sweden and discuss the Swedish contribution in the international collaboration as well as to discuss need for further work.

If you are interested to participate, please send a mail to or, by Wednesday, February 27.
There is no fee for the seminar. Limited number of seats.


9.30-10.00 Coffee


IEA, IETS and new activities on biorefinery evaluation
Thore Berntsson, chair of IEA, IETS

Communication and Information in IEA, IETS
Heléne Johansson, IETS secretariat

Ongoing Acitivities in the Swedish Energy Agency
Mats Larsson, Research Programme Manager, Industry, Swedish Energy Agency


Decision making support in R&D and in early stage technology development phases of future biorefineries
Eemeli Hytönen, Technology manager, VTT, Finland

The Canadian CanMet Design Support System Tool for Biorefineries
Presented by Thore Berntsson

Geographically explicit optimization of biorefinery supply chains
Elisabeth Wetterlund, Associate Professor, LTU

12.00-13.00 Lunch


Multi-Aspect Evaluation of Biofuel Production Technologies
Erik Furusjö, Adj. Professor, Senior Researcher, RISE

Scenario Tools for Assessing Biorefinery Concepts
Simon Harvey, Professor, Chalmers

Environmental Assessment of Emerging Biorefinery Concepts
Matty Janssen, Associate Professor, Chalmers


Strategic Collaboration in Biorefinery Development Projects – some reflections
Johanna Mossberg, Focus Area Manager – Fossil Free Transport, RISE

The Biorefinery – an important part of the transition into a Bioeconomy
Anna Wiberg, Program Director BioInnovation

14.40-15.00 Coffee


General Discussion
Thore Berntsson, Discussion Leader

The seminar is arranged by the Swedish Energy Agency as a part of the Swedish involvement in the International Energy Agency, Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems (IEA, IETS). An international collaboration in the area of biorefinery evaluation is in preparation within IETS.

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